It will soon be April. It will be Spring, and cherry trees will blossom randomly en masse bringing warmth to our hearts and spirits. And the day will soon arrive when keen fundraisers, fitness experts and walkers will lace up runners, new and old, and do the 10K. The Vancouver Sun Run will celebrate its fortieth anniversary. I have been a Vancouver Sun Run walker since 2017, though I have done a plethora of other fundraising runs and walks over the years.
This year, I am raising funds for the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. I would greatly appreciate it if you could please pledge an amount that works for you on my fundraising page. Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada will give you a tax receipt for amounts greater than $5.00.
And while I will be marching up and down, round and about, in my home office, I will be also giving my old pink sneakers a run for their money as I gear up my limbs to do the needful on the day.
Please reach out for your professional bookkeeping, payroll, management consulting, capital gains, personal and corporate tax requirements to me for when I am not walking, this what I do. ceo@TrushaDesai.com