Through the medium of this blog, though I do attempt to spread a modicum of humour, that is not the intent alone. For I do not wish to be taxing, never mind the increase in the number of taxes and the changes in their modus operandi. There is some respite, as the change in capital gains tax will be effective January 1, 2026, when the inclusion rate will increase from one-half to two-thirds. My goal is to help you in filing your Canadian personal and corporate taxes in an efficient manner.
Please reach out to CEO@TrushaDesai.com as soon as all receipts are received. I am available all year round to file your personal and corporate taxes: prior year tax returns are also prepared and e-filed.
Please connect (or reconnect), as the case maybe ~ for your professional bookkeeping, payroll, management consulting, capital gains, personal and corporate tax requirements to me, Trusha Desai aka Trusha Pandit, Founder & CEO of Trusha Desai Innovation Management Inc. ceo@TrushaDesai.com #TrushaDesai.com